Articles Posted in Broker Misconduct

FINRA has suspended Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. broker Todd Kling from the securities industry for three months. Kling consented to the sanction and to the entry of findings that he engaged in excessive and unsuitable trading, including the use of margin, in a senior customer’s account.

Kling’s suspension is scheduled to begin on January 18, 2022, and end on April 17, 2022.

If you have lost money with Todd Kling, or Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA has suspended Adam Maggio, with Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., from associating with any FINRA member in all principal capacities for five months. Maggio has been registered in multiple capacities with Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. since February 2013, including as a General Securities Principal.

Maggio consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that he failed to reasonably supervise trading in certain customer accounts for potentially excessive activity. His suspension is scheduled to begin on January 3, 2022, and end on June 2, 2022. He was fined $5,000 and will also undertake to attend and satisfactorily complete 20 hours of continuing education concerning supervisory responsibilities.

If you have been harmed by Adam Maggio, or Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account. 

FINRA has suspended Anthony Graziano, with Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., from associating with any FINRA member in all principal capacities for three months. Graziano first became registered as a General Securities Representative and General Securities Principal with Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. in June 2015 and subsequently became registered with the firm as a Compliance Officer in October 2018.

Graziano consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that he failed to reasonably supervise a registered representative of his firm, who excessively traded a customer’s account.

Graziano’s suspension is scheduled to begin on January 3, 2022, and end on April 2, 2022. He was also fined $5,000 and will undertake to attend and satisfactorily complete 20 hours of continuing education concerning supervisory responsibilities.

FINRA has suspended Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. broker Douglas Rosenberg from the securities industry for seven months. Rosenberg consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that he excessively and unsuitably traded the accounts of three customers. As a result of Rosenberg’s unsuitable recommendations, his customers suffered a total of over $154,000 in realized losses and paid a total of $89,652 in commissions, trading costs, and margin interest.

Rosenberg’s suspension is scheduled to begin on January 3, 2022, and end on August 2, 2022. He was also ordered to pay partial restitution to the three customers of $25,000.

If you have lost money with Douglas Rosenberg, or Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

Investors who purchased GPB funds in 2016 through a broker-dealer need to act now to preserve their legal rights. Failure to file an arbitration claim may prevent recovery of investment losses. Time is running out. GPB investors should act in 2022.

Key Takeaways:

  • Investors can potentially recover investment losses by filing claims against broker-dealers or investment-advisory firms that sold GPB private placement offerings for large commissions.

David Gentile, the disgraced founder and former CEO of GPB Capital Holdings LLC, has sued GPB Capital. Mr. Gentile seeks to make GPB Capital, which an independent court-appointed monitor is now overseeing, cover the legal costs for his defense against criminal and civil securities fraud.

In February 2021, Mr. Gentile was criminally charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy in federal court. The criminal complaint alleged that Mr. Gentile, among others, engaged in a scheme to defraud investors by misrepresenting the source of funds used to make monthly distributions to investors and the amount of revenue generated by two of GPB’s investment funds, GPB Holdings, LP, and GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP.

Separately, the SEC has charged Mr. Gentile, GPB Capital, and related entities with running a Ponzi-like scheme that raised roughly $1.8 billion from securities issued by GPB Capital. The SEC believes that as many as 17,000 retail investors nationwide have been defrauded.

FINRA has barred former Cetera Advisors LLC broker Donna Jean Hines from the securities industry. Hines consented to the sanction and to the entry of findings that she refused to appear for on-the-record testimony in connection with FINRA’s investigation into whether she facilitated a customer’s bitcoin investment for compensation. The FINRA findings stated that although Hines initially cooperated with FINRA’s investigation, she eventually ceased doing so.

If you have lost money with Donna Jean Hines, or Cetera Advisors LLC, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms.

FINRA has barred former Cambria Capital, LLC broker Steven Musielski from the securities industry. Musielski consented to the sanction and to the entry of findings that he refused to provide documents and information requested by FINRA in connection with an investigation into his sales practice activity. The FINRA findings stated that the request sought to investigate Musielski’s potential exercise of discretion without written authorization, potential excessive trading, and potentially unsuitable investments in leveraged and inverse-leveraged securities.

If you have lost money with Steven Musielski, or Cambria Capital, LLC, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms.

Over the past calendar year, GPB Capital investors have won over $2.4 million in monetary awards in 10 out of 11 (nearly 91%) arbitration claims that have proceeded to a final hearing.  According to public records, many other claims filed against broker-dealers who sold the private placements offered by GPB Capital have been settled for monetary compensation.

The judgments and awards come after years of filing lawsuits and arbitration claims by GPB Capital investors.

For our latest posts related to GPB Capital, please click here.

Energy 11, L.P. is an illiquid, non-traded limited partnership sold as private placement security exclusively by broker-dealer David Lerner Associates, Inc. The limited partnership invests in the oil, gas, and energy sector, which has been extremely volatile the past several years.  Energy 11 was not suitable for most conservative or retired investors.

On November 5, 2011, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Energy 11 GP, LLC, the general partner of Energy 11, L.P. (“Energy 11”), sent a letter to investors of Energy 11 notifying them that partial distributions would resume after a nearly two-year hiatus. The amount of the distribution will be 50% of the regular monthly distribution.

In March 2020, Energy 11 suspended monthly distributions to its limited partners as the partnership took on massive debt.  Unbeknownst to many investors, the distributions were merely a return of the limited partner’s original capital investment, not a dividend.   Energy 11 currently owes 21 months of unpaid distributions to its limited partners, totaling approximately $42 million.

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