Articles Posted in Firm Investigations

American Capital Partners, LLC is a broker-dealer headquartered in Hauppauge, New York. According to publicly available records filed with the SEC, the firm likely received sales compensation for selling the GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP to retail investors. Upon information and belief, broker Frank Palumbo was one of the financial advisors at American Capital Partners, LLC’s that recommend GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP to retail customers.

Iorio Altamirano LLP is investigating claims on behalf of defrauded investors who were victims in the GPB Capital funds scheme. The GPB Capital funds were marketed to independent broker-dealers and investment advisers who would, in turn, sell the GPB funds to their retail investors.

Customers who have invested in GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP with American Capital Partners, LLC, should contact securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and to review their legal rights.

FINRA has barred former Cetera Advisors LLC broker Walter Morrow Allen from the securities industry for refusing to provide information and documents requested pursuant to FINRA Rule 8210, in violation of FINRA Rules 8210 and 2010.

If you have lost money with Walter Morrow Allen, or Cetera Advisors LLC, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent No. 2020066785901

In an arbitration award published by FINRA on August 5, 2021, San Francisco, CA financial advisor Amy Rogers Blodgett and brokerage firm Ameritas Advisory Services was ordered to pay over $20,000 in damages to customers that alleged “gross mismanagement of investments” in their joint account maintained at Ameritas Advisory Services.

Iorio Altamirano LLP, an investor advocate law firm, is investigating claims on behalf of customers of Amy Blodgett and Ameritas Advisory Services.  Customers of Ms. Blodgett or Ameritas can contact Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of their legal rights.

Iorio Altamirano LLP  represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms, such as Ameritas Advisory Services.

On August 3, 2021, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) and former Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. stockbroker Eugene McAdams entered into a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent No. 2020066887801 whereby Mr. McAdams consented to a bar from the securities industry.  Mr. McAdams consented to the expulsion after refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation into whether he made suitable investment recommendations to customers while registered with Joseph Stone Capital.

Mr. McAdams, associated with Joseph Stone Capital from September 2015 to June 2020, has also been the subject of at least two customer complaints.  The causes of action of the two complaints, which resulted in monetary compensation to the customers, included excessive trading on margin, elder abuse, false and misleading statements, fraud, negligent misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, and unauthorized trading.

If you have suffered financial losses investing with Eugene McAdams or Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., or suspect that Mr. McAdams did not have your best interest in mind when recommending investments or making account transactions, contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential review of your legal rights.

In an arbitration award published by FINRA on July 30, 2021, Boca Raton, Florida financial advisor William Friedman was ordered to pay $250,000 in damages to a Claimant.

Notably, Mr. Friedman was suspended by FINRA on July 2, 2021, over his failure to respond to a FINRA request for information. He is currently facing a potential bar from the securities industry on October 5, 2021, if he fails to request the termination of his suspension.

If you have lost money with Boca Raton, Florida financial advisor William Friedman, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

**Update: November 11, 2021** On November 8, 2021, Aegis  Capital Corp agreed to pay nearly $2.7 million in sanctions for supervisory failures related to excessive and unsuitable trading by its brokers from July 2014 through December 2018.   Click on the following link to read more:  Aegis Capital Corp. Ordered to Pay Nearly $2.7 Million for Supervisory Failures Related to Rampant Excessive and Unsuitable Trading

Customers of Aegis Capital, including customers that have been notified that they may be receiving restitution, should consult with a securities arbitration law firm.  If you or a loved one were a customer of Aegis Capital, contact  New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of your legal rights.

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FINRA has barred former NYLife Securities LLC broker Jeffrey Scott Anderson from the securities industry after he converted $26,579 from his elderly NYLife customer and used the funds to pay for personal expenses.

If you have lost money with Jeffrey Scott Anderson, or NYLife Securities LLC, contact investment fraud lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent No. 2020067888701

**Update: November 11, 2021** On November 8, 2021, Aegis  Capital Corp agreed to pay nearly $2.7 million in sanctions for supervisory failures related to excessive and unsuitable trading by its brokers from July 2014 through December 2018.   Click on the following link to read more:  Aegis Capital Corp. Ordered to Pay Nearly $2.7 Million for Supervisory Failures Related to Rampant Excessive and Unsuitable Trading

Customers of Aegis Capital, including customers that have been notified that they may be receiving restitution, should consult with a securities arbitration law firm.  If you or a loved one were a customer of Aegis Capital, contact  New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of your legal rights.

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Iorio Altamirano LLP is investigating potential claims involving investments in L Bonds offered by GWG Holdings (Nasdaq: GWGH).

On July 26, 2021, GWG Holdings canceled its Combined 2020/2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders originally convened and adjourned on May 28, 2021.

Prior to this cancellation, on July 7, 2021, Nasdaq warned GWG Holdings that it risked the potential delisting of its stock over the company’s failure to hold an annual meeting of shareholders and file its most recent Forms 10-K and 10-Q on time.

FINRA has suspended Fusion Analytics Securities, LLC’s former Chief Compliance Officer Luis Fernando Restrepo from the securities industry for a six-month period over compliance and supervisory failures related to, among other things, the sale of private placements. Mr. Restrepo consented to a six-month suspension from associating with any FINRA member in all principal capacities and will have to requalify as a principal prior to acting in that capacity with any FINRA member.

During his association with Fusion, Mr. Restrepo was the firm’s Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (AMLCO).

Mr. Restrepo’s suspension is scheduled to begin on August 2, 2021, and end on February 1, 2022.

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