Articles Posted in Firm Investigations

Iorio Altamirano LLP is investigating claims on behalf of Sanctuary Securities, Inc. (formerly David A. Noyes & Company) customers who invested in inverse and leveraged exchanged-traded funds.

On July 1, 2021, Sanctuary Securities, Inc. and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) entered into a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent No. 20190606942201 (“AWC”) over allegations that between January 2014 and December 2018, Sanctuary Securities, Inc. failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system reasonably designed to achieve compliance with FINRA Rule 2111 in relation to the solicited sales of inverse and leveraged exchange-traded funds (collectively “Non-Traditional ETFs”) in that the firm’s supervisory system was not sufficiently tailored to address the unique features and risks of these products.

Relatedly, on July 2, 2021, FINRA suspended former Sanctuary Securities, Inc. financial advisor Stuart Pearl from the securities industry for three months.  Click on the following link to read more:  Stu Pearl, Former David A. Noyes & Company Broker, Suspended for Making Unsuitable Non-Traditional ETF Investment Recommendations – Indianapolis, IN

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has suspended financial advisor Gary Bowman from the securities industry for three months and fined him $10,000.  FINRA alleged that between February 2013 through December 2017, Mr. Bowman engaged in an unsuitable pattern of short-term trading of Unit Investment Trusts in customer accounts.

Mr. Bowman has been a stockbroker at SagePoint Financial, Inc. in Corona, CA, since February 2013.

Iorio Altamirano LLP has also been investigating SagePoint Financial, Inc. over Unit Investment Trusts (UIT) early rollover practices.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred financial advisor Tyler Rigsbee from the securities industry for refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation.  FINRA launched the investigation after Wells Fargo terminated Mr. Rigsbee in April 2021 and alleged that he “was terminated during the course of an internal review where documents appear to show that client funds were received in his personal bank account after being transferred from Wells Fargo to a third-party broker-dealer, and then to his bank account, without permission from clients.”

Mr. Rigsbee was associated with Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC in Sacramento, CA, from October 2016 until April 2021.

Customers of Mr. Rigsbee or Wells Fargo can contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of their legal rights.

Crown Capital Securities, L.P. (“Crown Capital”), a dually-registered investment adviser and broker-dealer based in California, agreed to pay $1.6 million to settle charges brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) over the firm’s disclosure failures regarding investment advice it gave about mutual funds and cash sweep money market funds. Specifically, the SEC alleged that the company did not disclose its conflicts of interests related to mutual fund share classes, cash sweep arrangements, and no-transaction-fee revenues.

Without admitting or denying the findings, Crown Capital consented to a cease-and-desist order, censure, and agreed to pay disgorgement of $1,138,740, prejudgment interest of $154,173, and a civil penalty of $295,000. The firm also agreed to distribute funds to harmed clients and comply with certain undertakings.

If you have lost money with Crown Capital, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

A FINRA Dispute Resolution Services arbitration panel in Boca Raton, Florida, ordered SunTrust Investment Services, Inc. and SunTrust Advisory Services, Inc. (collectively “SunTrust”) to pay a customer $200,000 over losses in the customer’s discretionary account with the firms.

Additionally, the arbitration panel denied SunTrust’s request for expungement on behalf of broker Jeffrey Paul Oliverio. Mr. Oliverio was not a party to the arbitration.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms, such as SunTrust.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred financial advisor John Swon from the securities industry.  Mr. Swon was expelled from the brokerage industry for refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation.  FINRA launched the investigation after a customer complained that Mr. Swon misappropriated or mismanaged funds entrusted to him as an investment advisory representative of Focus Financial Network, Inc.

Mr. Swon was associated with both brokerage firm Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. and registered investment advisor Focus Financial in Bloomington, MN, from October 2012 until he was discharged by both firms in April 2021 for allegedly violating the firms’ policies regarding disclosure and approval of outside business activities.

Customers of Mr. Swon or Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., can contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of their legal rights.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred stockbroker Juan Ceja from the securities industry.  Mr. Ceja was expelled from the brokerage industry for refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation.  FINRA launched the investigation after PFS Investments, Inc. discharged Mr. Ceja in February 2021 and alleged that he “submitted term life insurance applications with questionable and/or invalid information.”   Mr. Ceja was associated with PFS Investments, Inc. in Medford, Oregon, from December 2000 until February 221.

Customers of Mr. Ceja or PFS Investments, Inc., can contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms, such as PFS Investments Inc.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has suspended financial advisor Stuart Pearl from the securities industry for three months.  Mr. Pearl consented to the suspension after FINRA alleged that from March 2017 and August 2018, while associated with David A. Noyes & Company (now Sanctuary Securities, Inc.) in Indianapolis, Indiana, he recommended the purchase of leveraged and inverse exchange-traded funds (collectively “Non-Traditional ETFs”) to four customers without having a sufficient understanding of the risks and features associated with these products and thereby failing to have a reasonable basis for making these recommendations. In addition to the suspension, Mr. Pearl is also subject to a $5,000 deferred fine.

Sanctuary Securities, Inc. became a member of FINRA in December 1939 and was known as David A. Noyes & Company until March 5, 2020.  The firm has 35 branch offices and approximately registered representatives.  Iorio Altamirano LLP is also Sanctuary Securities, Inc. over inverse and leveraged exchange-traded funds supervisory failures.  To read more about the investigation, click on the following link:  Iorio Altamirano LLP Investigates Sanctuary Securities, Inc. (Formerly David A. Noyes & Company) Over Inverse and Leveraged Exchange-Traded Funds Supervisory Failures

Customers of Mr. Pearl or Sanctuary Securities, Inc./David A. Noyes & Company should consult with a securities arbitration law firm.  If you or a loved one were a customer of Stuart Pearl, contact  New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation.

FINRA has barred former NYLIFE Securities LLC broker Daniel Jossen from the securities industry. Mr. Jossen was expelled from the brokerage industry for failing to the provide information requested by FINRA pursuant to Rule 8210, in violation of Rules 8210 and 2010.

If you have lost money with Daniel Jossen, or NYLIFE Securities LLC, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent

FINRA has barred former NTB Financial Corporation (“NTB”) broker George Louis McCaffrey III from the securities industry. Mr. McCaffrey was expelled from the brokerage industry for providing false information to FINRA during a prior investigation and for participating in $270,000 of private securities transactions without prior written disclosure to and approval from his firm. 

If you have lost money with George Louis McCaffrey III, or NTB Financial Corporation, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent

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