Articles Posted in UBS

On February 28, 2025, a FINRA arbitration panel delivered a staggering $92 million award against UBS Financial Services, Inc. and its broker, Andrew Burish, marking one of the largest investor victories in recent memory. The case, FINRA No. 21-00488, involved nine claimants who alleged that UBS and Burish mismanaged their accounts by recommending an unsuitable, high-risk strategy of shorting Tesla, Inc. stock. This landmark ruling underscores the accountability of financial giants and the potential for investors to recover losses through arbitration. As a securities arbitration law firm that recently secured a $65,000 award for our client in a GWG L Bonds case (FINRA Case No. 24-00004), we are proud to highlight how cases like these demonstrate the power of FINRA arbitration to deliver justice.

Case Background: A Risky Bet Gone Wrong

The claimants filed their initial Statement of Claim on February 22, 2021, accusing UBS and Burish of breach of fiduciary duty, violation of FINRA suitability rules, negligent supervision, and fraud. The allegations centered on a high-stakes trading strategy that involved shorting Tesla stock—a speculative move designed for short-term gains rather than the long-term wealth preservation the claimants sought. According to the amended claim, UBS and Burish pushed this aggressive approach, provided boilerplate paperwork to unsophisticated investors, and encouraged holding these risky positions despite ballooning losses.

**Update:  July 6, 2022** On June 24, 2022, former UBS broker Patrick R. Murray was suspended by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).  Mr. Murray, who is not currently associated with a brokerage firm, consented to the suspension after FINRA alleged that from March 2018 to January 2019, Murray violated FINRA Rules 3270 and 2010 by engaging in an outside business activity without providing prior written notice to his firm. As part of the agreement, Mr. Murray also agreed to pay a fine of $5,000.

Specifically, FINRA alleged that in March 2018, Mr. Murray and two other individuals established a company called Integrity Salt, LLC to buy and sell rock salt.  Mr. Murray made capital contributions to Integrity Salt, LLC and made at least one vendor payment on behalf o the company by wiring more than a million dollars from his personal account directly to the vendor.  Mr. Murray also earned approximately $78,704 in compensation from his activities related to Integrity Salt, LLC.

Iorio Altamirano LLP is investigating other potential claims related to Mr. Murray’s conduct and encourages anyone with information about Mr. Murray’s conduct or practices to contact our law firm.  All conversations are confidential and privileged.

On August 23, 2021, a FINRA Dispute Resolution Services arbitration panel in Baltimore, Maryland, ordered UBS Financial Services, Inc. (“UBS”) to pay $405,000 to customers who invested in UBS’s Yield Enhancement Strategy (“YES”).  The award included $300,000 in compensatory damages, $30,000 in costs, and $75,000 in attorneys’ fees.  The customers alleged that UBS and broker Adam Rogers misrepresented UBS’s Yield Enhancement Strategy, a complex and highly risky options strategy, as a way to obtain marginally higher yield on a portfolio while taking limited risks.  In actuality, the complexity and nature of YES exposed the Claimants to a significant risk of loss.  The Claimants also alleged that UBS and its team of options traders conducted the YES program with virtually no supervision or compliance oversight and with inadequate risk controls.

This order is the third arbitration award against UBS in 2021 concerning YES and the fourth since December 2020.   On March 31, 2021, a FINRA arbitration panel in Columbus, Ohio, ordered UBS to pay customers over $372,000 in compensatory damages and fees.  Earlier in the month, on March 5, 2021, another FINRA arbitration panel in Denver, Colorado, ordered UBS to pay customers over $1 million in compensatory damages.  In December 2020, a FINRA arbitration panel in Boca Raton, Florida, awarded a customer nearly $90,000.

UBS has faced numerous lawsuits from customers in the form of FINRA securities arbitrations related to YES, a complex managed options strategy that UBS marketed as safe and market-neutral. The customers have claimed that the strategy was not suitable for them and that UBS materially misrepresented and omitted the risks of the strategy.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has suspended financial advisor Ricardo Turlan from the securities industry for two months.  Mr. Turlan consented to the suspension after FINRA alleged that he engaged in discretionary trading without written authorization in two customer accounts between June 2017 and February 2019.  Mr. Turlan also allegedly mismarked approximately 72 trades as “unsolicited” when the trades should have been marked as “solicited.”  FINRA also fined Mr. Turlan $7,500.

The alleged conduct occurred while UBS Financial Services Inc. (“UBS”) employed Mr. Turlan in San Antonio, Texas.  UBS discharged Mr. Turlan in July 2019, alleging misconduct related to a non-discretionary account and trading in accounts that reached levels that could be considered unsuitable.

If you have suffered financial losses investing with Ricardo Turlan, or suspect that Mr. Turlan did not have your best interest in mind when recommending investments or making account transactions, contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential review of your brokerage account.

On March 31, 2021, a FINRA Dispute Resolution Services arbitration panel in Columbus, Ohio, ordered UBS Financial Services, Inc. (“UBS”) to pay customers over $372,000 in compensatory damages and fees.  The claimants, Matthew and Lisa Fisher alleged that UBS and brokers Ortal Shachar and Richard Mark Held presented the Yield Enhancement Strategy (“YES”), an options strategy, as low risk. In actuality, the complexity and nature of YES exposed the Claimants to a significant risk of loss.

This order is the second arbitration award against UBS in March 2021 concerning YES and the third since December 2020.   On March 5, 2021, another FINRA arbitration panel in Denver, Colorado, ordered UBS to pay customers over $1 million in compensatory damages.     In December 2020, a FINRA arbitration panel in Boca Raton, Florida, awarded a customer nearly $90,000.

UBS has faced numerous lawsuits from customers in the form of FINRA securities arbitrations related to YES, a complex managed options strategy that UBS marketed as safe and market-neutral. The customers have claimed that the strategy was not suitable for them and that UBS materially misrepresented and omitted the risks of the strategy.

On March 5, 2021, a FINRA Dispute Resolution Services arbitration panel in Denver, Colorado, ordered UBS Financial Services, Inc. (“UBS”) to pay customers over $1 million in compensatory damages.  The claims, which include breach of duty, violations of the Nebraska Securities Act, and professional negligence arising out of broker Jason Dworak’s recommendations concerning the UBS Yield Enhancement Strategy (“YES”).   The arbitration panel also awarded prejudgment interest to the customers.

The $1 million judgment is the second arbitration award against UBS within a matter of months.  In December 2020, a FINRA arbitration panel in Boca Raton, Florida, awarded a customer nearly $90,000.  The Florida arbitration panel concluded that the UBS YES was not suitable for the investor, Gerald S. Backman, a retired partner at corporate law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges.

UBS has faced numerous lawsuits from customers in the form of FINRA securities arbitrations related to YES, a complex managed options strategy that UBS marketed as safe and market-neutral. The customers have claimed that the strategy was not suitable for them and that UBS materially misrepresented and omitted the risks of the strategy.

On December 22, 2020, a FINRA Dispute Resolution Services arbitration panel in Boca Raton, Florida, ordered UBS Financial Services, Inc. to pay a customer $89,675 in compensatory damages.  After considering the pleadings, the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing, the arbitration panel concluded that the UBS Yield Enhancement Strategy (“YES”) was not suitable for the investor, Gerald S. Backman, a retired partner at corporate law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges.

Many UBS customers, including wealthy and sophisticated investors, who invested in UBS’s Yield Enhancement Strategy have filed lawsuits against UBS in the form of FINRA arbitrations to recover financial losses.   The customers have claimed that the strategy was not suitable for them and that UBS materially misrepresented and omitted the product’s risks.

Investors who have suffered investment losses due to UBS’s Yield Enhancement Strategy should contact experienced securities arbitration attorneys at Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential case evaluation.  Partner August Iorio, who has been investigating YES for nearly two years, can be reached at or toll-free at (855) 430-4010.

UBS broker Dario Suarez has twenty-three pending customer complaints on his CRD, including three customer complaints filed in 2020, totaling over $1.3 million in claimed losses.

The claims allege that recommendations to invest in Puerto Rico municipal bonds and closed-end funds were unsuitable and led to overconcentration of the accounts in these securities. Further, the claims allege that Mr. Suarez and UBS misrepresented the safety of the investments.

Iorio Altamirano LLP es un bufete de abogados de arbitraje de valores con experiencia representando a inversionistas en todo el país ante el foro de pleitos de arbitraje de FINRA. Iorio Altamirano LLP tiene experiencia en pleitos de arbitraje sobre bonos municipales de Puerto Rico y fondos de bonos de Puerto Rico. Puede conocer más sobre nuestro bufete aquí.

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