Articles Tagged with elder abuse

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred stockbroker Thomas Stratton from the securities industry for refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation into whether Mr. Stratton misused customer funds with respect to the sale of promissory notes related to a third party’s life insurance policy, and misrepresentation thereto.   The investigation was launched after FINRA received a tip to FINRA’s Securities Helpline for Seniors.

Mr. Stratton has been associated with World Choice Securities, Inc. in Melbourne, Florida, since January 2004.

If you or a loved one were a customer of Thomas Stratton or World Choice Securities, Inc., contact  New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation.   

On August 3, 2021, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) and former Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. stockbroker Eugene McAdams entered into a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent No. 2020066887801 whereby Mr. McAdams consented to a bar from the securities industry.  Mr. McAdams consented to the expulsion after refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation into whether he made suitable investment recommendations to customers while registered with Joseph Stone Capital.

Mr. McAdams, associated with Joseph Stone Capital from September 2015 to June 2020, has also been the subject of at least two customer complaints.  The causes of action of the two complaints, which resulted in monetary compensation to the customers, included excessive trading on margin, elder abuse, false and misleading statements, fraud, negligent misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, and unauthorized trading.

If you have suffered financial losses investing with Eugene McAdams or Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C., or suspect that Mr. McAdams did not have your best interest in mind when recommending investments or making account transactions, contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential review of your legal rights.

In an arbitration award published by FINRA on July 30, 2021, Boca Raton, Florida financial advisor William Friedman was ordered to pay $250,000 in damages to a Claimant.

Notably, Mr. Friedman was suspended by FINRA on July 2, 2021, over his failure to respond to a FINRA request for information. He is currently facing a potential bar from the securities industry on October 5, 2021, if he fails to request the termination of his suspension.

If you have lost money with Boca Raton, Florida financial advisor William Friedman, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

StockCross Financial Services, Inc. (“StockCross Financial”), which was acquired by Muriel Siebert & Co., Inc. (“Muriel Siebert”), consented to a censure and $250,000 fine in connection with FINRA’s findings that between July 2009 and December 2019, StockCross Financial had no reasonable surveillance system to review solicited transactions for excessive trading and suitability.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms, such as StockCross Financial Services, Inc.

If you have lost money with StockCross Financial Services, Inc., contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of your legal rights.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred financial advisor Ronald Giovino from the securities industry for refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation into whether Mr. Giovino converted customer funds.  FINRA launched the investigation after it received information through the FINRA Securities Helpline for Seniors.  Mr. Giovino has been registered with GWN Securities Inc. in Clearwater, Florida, since March 2004.

Customers of Mr. Giovino or GWN Securities Inc. can contact New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of their legal rights.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms, such as GWN Securities Inc.

**Update:  April 30, 2022** On November 19, 2021, the FINRA Office of Hearing Officers entered a default decision barring Mr. Giovannelli from associating with any FINRA member firm in any capacity for providing falsified documents and false testimony to FINRA staff and engaging in unauthorized trading in a customer account.  For the unauthorized trading, Mr. Giovannelli was also ordered to pay $1,494 in restitution, plus interest, to the customer.  In light of the bars, the hearing officers did not impose any additional sanctions for Mr. Giovannelli’s discretionary trading without written authorization in four additional customer accounts.

Original Post:

FINRA Files Enforcement Action Against Financial Broker Michael Giovannelli, Formerly of Spartan Capital Securities, for Unauthorized Trades in an Elderly Customer’s Account

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred stockbroker Marc Lippman from the securities industry.  Mr. Lippman consented to the bar after FINRA alleged that he provided false information to FINRA during on-the-record testimony regarding whether he was aware that his customer was deceased at the time of entering a securities transaction in the customer’s account.  Mr. Lippman was associated with Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Incorporated in Washington, DC, from December 2009 until January 2021.

If you have suffered financial losses investing with Marc R. Lippman or Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Incorporated, contact securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation.  

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors nationwide that have disputes with their financial advisors or brokerage firms, such as Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Incorporated.

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Office of Hearing Officers has barred stockbroker James W. Flower from the securities industry for excessively trading in five customers’ accounts, executing 17 unauthorized trades, and mismarking 58 transactions.  According to the findings, although he is based in New York, Mr. Flower generated business by cold calling people all over the country, focusing primarily on senior and elderly customers who are small business owners and retirees. Cold-calling customers is a common tactic for “boiler room” brokerage firms.

Mr. Flower was also ordered to pay restitution plus prejudgment interest to harmed customers.  However, it is unclear whether he will be able to satisfy the judgment.

Mr. Flower was associated with Spartan Capital Securities, LLC since June 2019.  Previously, he was associated with SW Financial from December 2015 to June 2019.

A FINRA Dispute Resolution Services arbitration panel in Richmond, Virginia, found Westpark Capital, Inc. to be liable for actions of its disgraced former broker, Lawrence Fawcett, and ordered the firm to pay nearly $800,000 to customers Charles and Karen Hailey.  The award included over $545,000 in compensatory damages, $33,500 in costs, and $215,000 in attorneys’ fees.    The arbitration panel found Westpark liable for failing to supervise Mr. Fawcett, who churned the Hailey’s accounts and made unsuitable investment recommendations.  The unsuitable investment recommendations related to private placement investments in the following entities:  Protagenic Therapeutics, Inc., Monster Digital, Inc., Miamar Labs, Inc.

The former stockbroker, Lawrence (Larry) Fawcett, was barred from the securities industry by FINRA in March 2018 for failing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation into his outside business activities.  FINRA subsequently revoked Mr. Fawcett’s securities license for failing to pay a fine and suspended him for failing to comply with an arbitration award.  Mr. Fawcett, who had only been in the securities industry for five years, had an extensive history of customer complaints, regulatory sanctions, associations with disreputable brokerage firms, and an employment termination after allegations of wrongdoing.

If you have lost money with Lawrence Fawcett or Westpark Capital, Inc., contact FINRA arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Office of Hearing Officers has barred stockbroker Mercer (“Toby”) Hicks III from the securities industry for making unsuitable investment recommendations to five elderly customers ranging in age from 73 to 88 years old.   The recommendations involved non-traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITS”) and a Business Development Company, Business Development Company of America (“BDCA”).  Mr. Hicks apparently targeted retirement communities in and around Southern Pines, North Carolina, for potential clients.

Mr. Hicks, a veteran broker of nearly 50 years, has been associated with Southeast Investments, N.C. Inc. since April 2014.

If you or a loved one were a customer of Mercer Hicks III, contact  New York securities arbitration law firm Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation.

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