Articles Tagged with FINRA rule 2010

FINRA has barred Kayan Securities, Inc. broker Sun Hyung Kim from the securities industry.

If you have lost money with Sun Hyung Kim, or Kayan Securities, Inc., contact FINRA arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.  

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors in disputes with their financial advisors and brokerage firms, such as Kayan Securities, Inc.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has barred stockbroker David Martirosian from the securities industry.  Mr. Martirosian was expelled from the brokerage industry for refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation into potentially unsuitable and excessive trading and his potential participation in private securities transactions while associated with Joseph Stone Capital L.L.C. (“Joseph Stone Capital”).

Mr. Martirosian, who had only 13 years of experience in the securities industry, had a history of associations disreputable broker-dealers, customer complaints, and tax liens.

Mr. Martirosian was employed by Joseph Stone Capital in New York from July 2016 until April 26, 2021

FINRA has barred former LPL Financial LLC broker John Scott from the securities industry. According to FINRA, the matter originated from an investigation of Mr. Scott’s potential participation in certain private placement offerings.

If you have lost money with John Scott, or LPL Financial LLC, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

Iorio Altamirano LLP represents investors in disputes with their financial advisors and brokerage firms, such as LPL Financial LLC.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has suspended financial advisor Elias Hakimian from the securities industry for three months.  Mr. Hakimian consented to the suspension after FINRA alleged that he borrowed $120,000 from a customer without notice to or obtaining written pre-approval from his employing brokerage firm, LPL Financial LLC, in violation of FINRA Rules 3240 and 2010.  FINRA also fined Mr. Hakimian $5,000.

LPL Financial LLC allowed Mr. Hakimian to “voluntarily resign” after a customer alleged that he engaged in churning in the customer’s accounts and invested the customer’s funds in speculative ventures contrary to the customer’s objectives and risk tolerance, in addition to taking loans from the customer.

Excessive trading occurs when a financial advisor makes many trades in a customer’s account, not to benefit the customer but to generate commissions for the broker.

**Update: November 8, 2021**  On April 15, 2021, FINRA’s Department of Enforcement filed disciplinary proceeding No. 2019063626703 against former Joseph Stone Capital broker Abdul Rahmani.  On October 28, 2021, Mr. Rahmani submitted an Offer of Settlement to FINRA’s Department of Enforcement.  On November 2, 2021, FINRA’s Department of Enforcement and the National Adjudicatory Council (NAC),  a Review Subcommittee of the NAC, or the Office of Disciplinary Affiars (ODA) have accepted Mr. Rahmani’s offer of settlement.  Under the terms of the settlement, Mr. Rahmani has consented to a bar from the securities industry.

Original Post:

FINRA Files Enforcement Action Against Former Joseph Stone Capital, LLC. Broker Abdul Rahmani

**Update:  July 26, 2021** FINRA has barred Hugues Guirand from the securities industry after Mr. Guirand failed to respond to FINRA’s Department of Enforcement’s complaint.

Original Post:

FINRA Files Enforcement Action Against Hugues Guirand, Formerly of Woodstock Financial Group, Inc. – Virginia Beach, VA

**Update: August 11, 2021** On August 9, 2011, FINRA’s Office of Hearing Offices entered an order barring Frank Sapareto from associating with any FINRA member firm in any capacity for providing false or misleading testimony and written information during a FINRA investigation and for engaging in an undisclosed outside business activity.

Original Post:

Broker Frank Sapareto, Formerly of Advisory Group Equity Services, Investigated by FINRA

FINRA has suspended former Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. broker Keith Holcomb from the securities industry for 6 months for borrowing money from a customer without notifying or receiving approval from his firm. Holcomb was also fined $7,500.

The conduct is alleged to have taken place while Holcomb was registered with MML Investors Services, LLC in Warwick, Rhode Island.

If you have lost money with Keith Holcomb, MML Investors Services, LLC or Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA has suspended former Insigneo broker Ignacio Erhart Del Campo from the securities industry for 2 months for exercising discretion in a customer’s account without proper authorization and engaging in unauthorized trading. Erhart Del Campo was also fined $7,500 and ordered to pay restitution of $19,189 plus interest.

If you have lost money with Ignacio Erhart Del Campo, or Insigneo, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (“AWC”)

**Update:  July 29, 2021**  On July 28, 2021, Iorio Altamirano LLP announced that it is investigating potential claims involving investments in L Bonds offered by GWG Holdings (GWGH).    Customers of Candice Montie can contact Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential consultation and review of their legal rights.   To read more about Iorio Altamirano LLP’s investigation into GWG “L Bonds,” click on the following link:  Iorio Altamirano LLP Investigates L Bonds offered by GWG Holdings (GWGH)

Original Post:

Moloney Securities Broker Candice Montie Suspended by FINRA – Fenton, MI

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