Articles Tagged with Worden Capital Management

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) has suspended Antonio Almeida from associating with any FINRA member in any capacity for three months. Mr. Almeida has been registered with Worden Capital Management LLC (“Worden Capital Management”) in Garden City, New York, since January 2020. Previously, from March 2014 through December 2017, he was registered with Aegis Capital Corp. in Melville, New York.

Separately, Iorio Altamirano LLP is currently investigating claims on behalf of Worden Capital Management customers after the firm was sanctioned more than $1.5 million by FINRA, including restitution, for making unsuitable recommendations and excessively trading customers’ accounts. A FINRA restitution order does not preclude investors from pursuing their own claims to seek restitution or other available remedies. Investors harmed by Worden Capital Management’s supervisory failures may have a claim against the firm. You can read more about it here.

If you have lost money with Worden Capital Management or Antonio Almeida, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential review of your account.

FINRA has suspended Jason Collichio from associating with any FINRA member in any principal capacity for three months. Mr. Collichio has been registered with Worden Capital Management LLC (“WCM”) in Garden City, New York, since 2009. He has been registered as a principal with the firm since 2012. Mr. Collichio initially registered with FINRA in 2003.

Iorio Altamirano LLP is currently investigating claims on behalf of WCM customers after the firm was sanctioned more than $1.5 million by FINRA, including restitution, for making unsuitable recommendations and excessively trading customers’ accounts. A FINRA restitution order does not preclude investors from pursuing their own claims to seek restitution or other available remedies. Investors harmed by WCM’s supervisory failures may have a claim against the firm. You can read more about it here.

If you have lost money with WCM, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential review of your account.

Iorio Altamirano LLP is investigating claims on behalf of Worden Capital Management LLC (“WCM”) customers after the firm was sanctioned more than $1.5 million by FINRA for making unsuitable recommendations and excessively trading customers’ accounts. If you have lost money with WCM, contact New York securities arbitration lawyers Iorio Altamirano LLP for a free and confidential evaluation of your account.

WCM and FINRA entered into a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (“AWC”) over allegations that between January 2015 and October 2019, WCM and its owner and CEO, Jaime Worden, violated FINRA rules. Specifically, that WCM and Mr. Worden:

  • Failed to establish, maintain, and enforce a supervisory system, including written supervisory procedures (WSPs), reasonably designed to achieve compliance with FINRA’s suitability rule as it pertains to excessive trading.
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